2024 Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Review
Daviess-Martin County REMC’s annual meeting was held virtually April 11th at the Daviess-Martin County REMC office.
The meeting was recorded live and streamed through the Daviess-Martin County REMC Facebook page at 6:30 PM. The recording was later added to YouTube and dmremc.com for future viewing. A video produced by Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative Inc., entitled Cooperative Resilience, was added to the recorded video.
All members who submitted a mail-in or electronic ballot for the director received a $10 electric bill credit. In addition, voting members were entered into bill credit drawings on March 22nd and April 3rd.
The invocation was given by Board Member John Edwards.
The National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Board Member August Bauer.
The secretary’s report was given by Board Secretary Amy Burris.
During the meeting, an announcement was made that the Loogootee substation would now be named the August Bauer Hoosier Energy Loogootee Substation. Bauer, director of District 6 has served on the board of directors for 52 years. A presentation of the new name plate for the substation was made to Bauer. The plate will soon be installed at the substation.
The CEO report was given by Rob Powell, Director of Systems Operations.
The legal report and director nomination process was given by corporate attorney Chris Goffinet. He reported no new nominations were received by petition for those districts where terms were expiring. He stated incumbents for those districts, Amy Burris, District 2 (Van Buren and Barr townships in Daviess County), Travis Summers, District 5 (Perry and Center townships in Martin County) and John Edwards, District 7 (Marion and Spice Valley townships in Lawrence County), in a timely fashion filed a written notice at the office of the corporation stating their intention to seek a seat on the board of directors. Goffinet verified the election results provided by Survey & Ballot Systems which handled the election process. Goffinet stated that Burris, Summers and Edwards would serve three-year terms for Districts 2, 5 and 7 respectively.

Front row: John Edwards, Amy Burris, August Bauer, Terry Chapman
Back row: Josh Dove, Travis Summers, Brandt Schuckman, Ryan Dant